Bringing in the Bystander
Used by over 500 campuses across the country, BITB is an in-person educational program that encourages participants to become positive bystanders in instances of sexual and interpersonal violence and harassment. Participants learn to identify problem situations; they also learn practical skills for safe and effective intervention.
Safe Bar
Safe Bar is an initiative that trains local bars and restaurants in Bystander Intervention and raising awareness about alcohol's role in sexual assault. This initiative aims to engage bar owners and staff in partnering with the community to prevent sexual violence across Tennessee. This project is in partnership with the Sexual Assault Center of Nashville, the Tennessee Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence, and the Tennessee Department of Health.
Moving Ahead Through Financial Literacy
Moving Ahead through Financial Literacy program is designed to help vulnerable populations who are most at risk of domestic violence, achieve financial independence and rebuild their lives. The curriculum covers a variety of important financial topics including budgeting, managing debt and improving credit and has been proven to help at-risk populations move from short-term safety to long-term security.
Safer Workplaces
Intimate partner violence and stalking can often impact workplaces. Programs and trainings work to inform workplaces on how to create safer spaces, recognize violence, and build policies to protect their workers. Workplaces Respond is an initiative partnered with Futures Without Violence to spread awareness and information.
Athletes as Leaders
Athletes as Leaders is a program designed for high school athletes on girls’ sports teams. Student athletes are encouraged to be leaders in changing social norms at school (and beyond) to a culture of safety and respect.
This program focuses on building strong teams and fostering healthy relationships among female-identified athletes and their peers​. The program works to help teens in defining healthy and unhealthy behaviors in relationships while challenging harmful gender stereotypes and media messages.
Coaching Boys into Men
Coaching Boys into Men (CBIM) is a comprehensive, evidence- based violence prevention curriculum that inspires athletic coaches to teach their young athletes that violence never equals strength and violence against women and girls is wrong. The program comes with strategies, scenarios, and resources needed to talk to boys, specifically, about leadership, healthy relationships, dating violence, sexual assault, and harassment.
Dating Matters
Dating Matters®: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships is an evidence based comprehensive teen dating violence prevention model developed by CDC to stop teen dating violence before it starts. It focuses on teaching 11-14 year olds healthy relationship skills before they start dating and reducing behaviors that increase the risk for dating violence, like substance abuse and sexual risk-taking. The curriculum includes prevention strategies for individuals, peers, families, schools, and neighborhoods.